Thursday, July 8, 2010


Yesterday was a very eventful day for me, and not in a good way...

I fainted in the middle of class. I couldn't believe it! We were about halfway through class, and we were all standing by the hospital beds getting a demonstration on how to lift people from their beds and to a wheelchair. I had been feeling fine the whole day up until one point when I started to feel light headed. I thought that maybe it would go away, but it just got worse. I decided that I better sit down, so I sat down on one of the hospital beds. I started to feel nauseous and really dizzy, so I closed my eyes. Next thing I knew I was on the ground and my teacher was trying to wake me up. They said that I was out for a little more than 10 seconds. At first I thought I was dreaming, and then I realized, nope I'm definitely on the floor right now.

My classmates told me that I smacked the left side of my face on the concrete floor pretty hard, and man do I feel it. I bit my cheek really bad, and had a headache for the rest of the day. Luckily I didn't break anything or have a head injury. I'm not bruised either which I'm thankful for. I just have a really sore face =/ How embarrassing! My classmates were really nice though. A girl named Shelby sat beside me while I was laying on the the bed during our break, and another girl went and bought a cold soda to put on my face. They all were telling me their fainting stories, and that made me feel better. They also told me that I was the most calm and graceful fainter they've ever seen. I guess that's a compliment? Haha :)

We've concluded that the cause for my fall was probably a lack of water and protein. I think that I picked the best time to pass out. I was in a room with lots of hospital beds, and there were two nurses. God was sure watching out for me! I could have potentially gotten extremely hurt with all of the equipment that I happened to not hit when I fell.

On the bright side, everyone in class knows who I am now :) Hopefully class today will be less eventful!